Air 1, The Positive Alternative

Friday, May 16, 2008

Truffles and Dudes

Happy Friday!!!
It is the end of our first week on the Air 1 Morning Show and we've learned so much from you already! For instance, we learned that Scott's name should actually be "Steve," girls AND guys like to "scrunch" their hair and that truffles are not, in fact, just chocolate, but are also overpriced mushrooms that pigs dig from the dirt. Yum.
If you want to learn more about something we've talked about on the show, be sure to check the news page at! Today, the favorites are the unnaturally large cow, a record-breaking Girl Scout Cookie sales record and the 5 mistakes that women make at the doctor's office. Also, hear a review of the movies coming this weekend (Prince Caspian!) from Plugged In Online before heading to the theater.

Oh yeah, wanna win $5000? Your kids could win--check out for details!
Have a super weekend!
Scott & Kelli

1 comment:

Craig Snedeker said...

I can't wait to see prince caspian!!

BTW what happend to eric and com-pal-ia? (i cant spell it :D) no offence ;)