Air 1, The Positive Alternative

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Neti-Pots, pickle pops and possum patties!

Good Morning!
What bizarre things we learned about today! Who knew that you could put a teapot up your nose for allergy relief?! Craving pickles? How about a pickle pop?! And it was quite shocking to learn of the annual "Roadkill Cook-off" in West Virginia, which celebrates dishes made with any animal that might commonly be found on the side of the road. Possum patty, anyone?!
Scott has decided to try the "Neti-Pot" for his allergies! In fact, if you're feeling especially brave, check out the "how-to" video on YouTube!
We have so much fun hanging out with you in the morning--thanks for letting us!

God bless you today!
Scott & Kelli

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Are oranges fast food?

Believe it or not, it appears that people are opting to eat tangerines rather than oranges, because oranges "take too long to peel." Wow! A true sign that our world has gotten too busy! You can read this story on our news page at, along with some other favorites like the goat that took a bus ride (!), the 71-year old veteran who fought off a robbery and the story about airlines considering charging us by how much we weigh!

Speaking of airlines, if you're planning on traveling this summer, there are some helpful tips you should check out before you leave home. Other sites that could be helpful include information on "Toilet Training School," where you can visit the "Coppertone Derma-Photo Booth," and a fun site where you can get your "birth verse!"

Thank you so much for listening to Air 1---we love waking up with you every day!

Scott & Kelli

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pain at the pump!

Good Morning!
Thanks so much for the great tips on stretching you dollar at the gas pump! You suggested everything from switching the car off while idling, to removing the rack on the top of the car to reduce drag. Whatever we can do to save a few bucks on fuel these days, we're all for it!
The news page at is full of fun stuff today, including the "spellcheck" error in a school yearbook, why scientists think we should have bugs for dinner and the man who is buried in a Pringles can!

Kelli found a book that sounds like fun--it's called "Tied in Knots," and is full of funny wedding-day stories (including the wild squirrel that tried to destroy the wedding cake!!!).

Don't forget that you are loved by God today! Here's the quote from Brennan Manning's book "Abba's Child" that was read on the show today:

"Define yourself radically as one beloved by God. This is the true self. Every other identity is illusion."

Thanks for listening! Have a fantastic day!

Scott & Kelli

Monday, June 2, 2008

New week and new month!

Good morning!
Thanks so much for listening to the Air 1 Morning Show--we really appreciate you!
Food is always a big deal on the show! Today, it was all about "Fair Food!" You know, deep fried, horribly unhealthy, but delicious food! The latest thing to be soaked in oil is the "deep fried latte'!" Yum! And if you're looking for an easy meal to make, check out the creative recipes for easy crock-pot meals (year around!).

Real Simple magazine has an essay competition to find out what was the most important day of your life. Top prize? $3000.00! Go for it!

Thanks again for spending time with us today--we love you!

Scott & Kelli

Friday, May 30, 2008

Is yawning REALLY contageous?!

Happy Friday!
Poor Scott was a bit tired this morning after staying up way too late to see the season finale of "Lost," so he could not stop yawning. Which made Kelli yawn. Which made you yawn. Must be contageous! Besides needing more sleep, most people seemed to think that Scott needed more oxygen in his brain. Then I guess we all do, as we were all yawning right along with him!

In revenge for the "Spam" discussion yesterday, Kelli brought a soy patty for breakfast, which caused Scott to describe the smell as "old gym shoes!" Kelli was just grateful that the patty was not slimy and pink!

We have a lot of fun hanging out with you in the morning! In all seriousness, though--we want you to know that we love you and God loves you. In fact, check out this quote from Max Lucado that was shared on the show today. He is talking about Jeremiah 31:3.

"God loves you. Personally. Powerfully. Passionately. Others have promised and failed. But God has promised and succeeded. He loves you with an unfailing love."

Have a fabulous weekend, knowing that you are loved by God!

Scott & Kelli

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Wow! Who knew there were so many strong opinions on the subject of "Spam?!!!"

After a news story that said that people are buying more Spam, possibly due to high grocery prices, Scott declared that he loves Spam. Kelli, on the other hand said that any meat that looks like pink jello should not be eaten! Air 1 listeners are quite divided on the issue!

If you're looking for a new idea for a gift for Father's Day, check out a website where you can turn digital photos into a really sweet coffee-table book! How cool is that?
Thanks again for listening--you are the best!

Scott & Kelli

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The pains of exercise...!

Good Morning!
Thanks so much for hanging out with us this morning! Poor Scott is feeling the pain of healthy living as he has started an extreme workout plan that has him too sore to put his headphones on without groaning! All your tips (i.e. drink lots of water, do some stretches and take lots of ibuprofen!) were appreciated!
Some of the most popular stories on our news page today at talked about the new gourmet M & M's, the worst companies for customer service (ever waited all day for the cable guy?!!!) and the miracle of the woman who was brought back to life!

Thanks again for sharing your lives with us!

We love you!

Scott & Kelli